Friday, August 15, 2008

A Smattering of Things

Hey there! Just a quick note! Not too much happening here. I was lucky enough to have the week off from work. I unfortunately did not get as much done as I would have liked. I have a really big problem with procrastination. Anybody else? :) 

I am really excited, this weekend we are going camping with  my family. We have spent a lot of time with my family this summer and it has been great. As you get older, you realize how important they are! We are also going to a 100 year celebration of the church where my parents were married and I grew up in. My dad built the church and both my mom and my dad were confirmed there. I am really excited to see people I haven't seen in a while. I will take pics and if our computer is cooperating, I will post them. (crossing fingers :)) 

On another note, we were able to enjoy some more things from our garden. We have had an abundant crop of lettuce this year. Probably way more than we will use. Our peas are doing really well too. We had them with steak the other night. I sauteed them with butter, salt and pepper. I was hoping to have onions with them but the onions we had, had gone bad. :( Oh, well I tried. We have also been having fresh corn on the cob, not from our garden though. We have tried grilling them this year, and it works really well! I love living in this state where we can fresh produce from our garden and from farmers in the area too. I feel very fortunate! 

Well, so much for a quick note! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

1 comment:

R Dvorak said...

Thanks for the update. You seem content with life and that is wonderful.

I find that weekends are WAY too short and I always desire another day. But I am thrilled that God demonstrated for us, that we need to take a weekend and catch up on life.

Have a great week.